Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ip1 managing high performance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ip1 managing high performance - Research Paper Example Therefore, supervisors have to interact with sub-ordinates to find out the best style of management to utilize for effectiveness. Some will need an authoritarian manager while others will perform adequately in a participative manner that guarantees the best result. Theory X can use in managing unskilled labor-force and large scale production. Theory Y is best suited for professional services as well as knowledge-based work, such as call center procedures (Winslow, 2009). Theory Y and democratic decision-making are at some degree comparable. The employees working under theory Y naturally merged their objectives to the organization’s objectives. Theory Y allows employees to participate in decision-making but leave management to implement decisions made. However, democratic decision-making is when an individual makes decisions without external influence. Employees’ performance and morale can improve if a manager understands the two theories. The manager can hence practice the excellent leadership style. As a result, he can advance the productivity of the organization (Drucker,

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